13, August 2018 - Capital City, Carnswell - Just a few moments ago, President Bannister vetoed bill C-150, "The Protection of Human Life Act of 2018". A while back, President Bannister said, "I will not veto this bill. We have a system in place that will take care of this. I put all my faith in the system.". President Bannister was referring to The Supreme Court, but shortly after vetoing the controversial bill, President Bannister commented this to reporters, "I still have faith in our great system, however, I have heard the voices of many, and as President, I must protect the freedom and liberty of all. I feel that they (the Representatives) have failed to truly represent the people." Unless the House overrides the veto, it will become null and void. "I want the House to give me a bill that I can sign. A bill that gives a woman the right to choose." the President said in a Facebook post just moments ago.
