44th Legislature, Premiere Session
150th Sitting
C - 178
11 July 2019
Received; read the first time
11 July 2019
1. Short title
This Bill may be cited as "The Foreign Operations Appropriations Act".
Section 1.
An Act to insure the safety of citizens and non-citizens from corrupt governments within the region and to hold those responsible for corruption accountable.
Section 2.
This Act is to send a strong signal that The Commonwealth of Boshka is committed to fighting corruption and combating threats made against any one people wherever they may be.
Section 3.
A. Corruption is dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.
B. A threat is a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done.
Section 4.
Any government or government agent that has been found by The Department of State of The Commonwealth of Boshka, to have participated in an activity that can be deemed or seen as corruptive behavior and/or has been found to have made threatening comments towards a certain group of people such as, but not limited to: People of a certain race, nationality, ethnicity, color, religion, affiliation with a certain group, members of the LGBTQ community, etc. based on evidence gathered shall and will be held accountable.
Section 5.
Any government or government agent that has been found by The Department of State of The Commonwealth of Boshka, to have participated in such activities as mentioned in Section 4, shall and will face the following consequences:
A. Any member of said guilty government will be ban from entering The Commonwealth of Boshka far as long as seen fit.
B. Any current and existing treaties between The Commonwealth of Boshka and said guilty government shall and will become null and void once said government has been found guilty.
C. Any current existing contracts between The Commonwealth of Boshka and said guilty government shall and will become null and void once said government has been found guilty.
D. Any member of said guilty government that is currently in The Commonwealth of Boshka shall and will be dismissed to their respected home nation.
E. Findings shall and will be made public and any and all evidence will be made available to other member nations and to the public.
F. If threats have been made, local authorities shall and will be contacted.
Section 6.
Upon the passing of this Act, it is to go into effect on 1 August 2019.
Natalya Ivashov - Clerk