Passes & Fares
Single-ride tickets must be purchased on the bus using the fare box. The fare boxes on the buses are equipped to accept cash only.
Exact amount is preferred. However, if you use a larger bill than necessary, the fare box will print a change receipt with the balance. This receipt can then be used as payment for future bus rides until the balance is zero. The change receipts may not be exchanged for cash.
The All Day Pass and 20-Ride Punch Passes may be purchased from the information booth in the Transit Center using cash or card.
All Day Pass
One Day Pass - accepted for all rides $8.00
One-day passes may be purchased in advance for future use and do not have to be used the date of purchase. Passes are validated when boarding the bus and remain valid for that date only. All passes expire after the last run at 9:30 p.m
One Way
Passengers Ages 18 - 62
Full Fare Passenger Trip $2.00
20 - Ride Punch Pass $52.00
One Way
Passengers 62 and older and Passengers with
Discounted Fare Passenger Trip $1.00
20 - Ride Punch Pass $26.00
One Way
Students (must present student ID) and Youth age 6-17 (Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult.)
Students and Youth Discounted Fare Passenger Trip $1.00
20 - Ride Punch Pass $18.00
Ages 5 and Under Free