Who We Are
The Boshka Department of Health and Environmental Control is the nations regulatory agency charged with promoting and protecting the nation's public health and its land, air, coastal resources and water quality as authorized by federal law.
The agency has approximately 50 employees serving across the nation whose work makes a difference in the lives of Boshkans every day. The agency provides a wide range of resources and services that support a vision of healthy people living in a healthy Boshka.
To improve the quality of life for all Boshkans by protecting and promoting the health of the public and the environment.
What We Do
If you've received a birth certificate in Boshka, visited a public health department, recycled your cans and bottles here, eaten at a restaurant, breathed in the air, or swum in Boshkan waters - Boshka Department of Health & Environmental Control has touched your life.
Just a few of the agency's services include providing vital health care services, coordinating disease control, monitoring and regulating pollution, ensuring food safety, supporting healthy nutrition, responding to natural disasters, providing research and statistics on the nation's health and environment, and much more.
Programs & Divisions
Healthy People.
Healthy Boshka.
Acute Disease Epidemiology
Agricultural Permitting Program
Air Permitting and Pollutants
Ambient Air Monitoring Network
Arthritis Prevention and Control
Beach Monitoring Program
Best Chance Network - Free breast and cervical cancer screenings
Birth Control/Family Planning
Birth Defects Program
Voluntary Cleanup Program
Children/Teens with Special Health Care Needs
Chronic Disease Epidemiology and Evaluation
Dams and Reservoirs Safety Program
Diabetes Prevention and Control
Drinking Water Program
Drug Control
Dry Cleaning Restoration Program
Boshka Environmental Excellence Program
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Program
Environmental Laboratory Certification
Environmental Public Health Tracking Program
Hearing Screenings
Food Safety
Boshka Go Green Guide
Hazardous Waste Program
Health Licensing
Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention
Infectious Waste Program
Injury And Violence Prevention
Mining and Reclamation Program
Minority Health
Newborn Screening
Non-Point Source Pollution (Stormwater)
Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity
Ocean and Coastal Resource Management
Open Burning
Oral Health
Ozone Forecasting
Permit Central
Pregnancy Testing
Public Health Nutrition
Public Water Systems
Radioactive Waste Program
Recreational Waters Program
Septic Tanks
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Sexual Violence Services Program
Shellfish Program
Solid Waste Permitting
Solid Waste Reduction and Recycling
Stormwater Program
Tobacco Prevention and Control
TB (Tuberculosis) Treatment
Teen Services at Teen Clinics
Underground Storage Tank Program
Vital Records
Wastewater Permitting
Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation
Division of Women's Health